
The european telephone number for emergency care is 112. Fire, ambulance or police can be called out on this number. Mobile phones without caller credit can still call this number.

religious services

There are several church services available also in English. Some of them offer partly English spoken services, others offer translations by a headset or written on paper both handed over at the entrance. The list below is not complete, but gives an impression of the possibilities.

International Reformed Evangelical Fellowship
Ecumenic service, Heilige Geestkerkhof 25. ( Sun: 12:00 noon in English
Delft Christian Fellowship
Evangelistic/Charismatic service, Cort van der Lindenstraat 1. (http://delftchristianfell...) Sun:??:?? Indonesian / English / Dutch
Levend Water
Evangelistic/Charismatic service, Hermesstraat 65. ( Sun: 10:00 AM Dutch / English
Gereformeerde Kerk vrijgemaakt
Reformed, Schoemakerstraat 1. ( Sun: 11:00 AM Dutch, with English translation on paper
general practitioner

Family doctors GP's outside working hours 8:00 till 17:00 and for non-resistered patients can be found at the "huisartsenpost". Reinier de Graafweg 3a, 2625 AD. White portacabin, next to the ambulance entrance Phone number 015 251 19 30. Call before you visit. Prices per 1 januari 2010. Consult € 65,14, Consult at home € 97,40. Paid parking on hospital grounds.

For prescription medication outside workinghours the Apothecary "Buitenhof Apotheek" on the Rossinistraat 1, 2625 AP Delft.Telephone 015 - 245 42 00.